10 key tips for organizing a successful workshop

Have you ever wondered what a workshop is, how it works and how this type of event is organized?

If yes and you still don’t know the answer, no need to worry! This article will answer all your questions and will also help you make your workshop happen.

These days, a lot of people are interested in that format. Therefore, it is not for nothing that many organizers are also seeking to organize it.

After all, the great attraction of the workshop is in its structure that, in a practical and fast way, allows attendees to specialize in a certain subject.

Want to know more? Check out below everything about workshop and how it works:

  • What is a workshop?
  • What is a workshop for?
  • How to attend a workshop?
  • Types of workshop
  • Learn how to make a workshop

What is a workshop?

In short, a workshop is about a class or something related that deals with specific subjects in a more practical way. 

And, because it deals with so much specificity, it is usually mediated by specialists, who are professionals of great experience.

In addition, the workshop is a more dynamic event when compared to a lecture.

After all, it is possible to have the direct participation of the public through debates, activities and the exchange of experiences.

It is a quick alternatives to acquire knowledge and, especially, put it into practice.

For example, in the corporate environment, there are many companies that hold internal business workshops with the aim of teaching and training their employees in the use of a tool or the implementation of a new process. 

Want to know more about what a workshop is? Check it out on Even3’s YouTube channel:

What is a workshop for?

The proposal of a workshop is that knowledge is acquired through joint experience, generated in a discussion group.

In addition, a fundamental characteristic of the workshop is that, in it, the subjects are approached in a much more practical way, but with the help of the theoretical part.

How does a workshop work? What is its duration?

Normally, workshops last up to 8 hours, taking place in a single day, unlike courses, which have a longer duration.

In general, the workshops work through the exposition of the subject, debates in groups, practical exercises and the conclusion of everyone on the topic addressed. 

The workshop is taught by an instructor or speaker with expertise in that area of knowledge.

Attendees, upon leaving the workshop, should feel able to put into practice what they have learned in the hours of activity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the workshop

Naturally, just like any other type of academic event, the workshop has advantages and disadvantages. Understand them below: 

Advantages of the workshop

  • Lower cost when compared to a course
  • The attendee learns through practice
  • It usually lasts up to 8 hours
  • Possibility to expand the networking in your area of knowledge
  • Way to update yourself and specialize in a specific subject

Disadvantages of the workshop

  • Some themes require a physical space and very specific instruments
  • It is necessary to make clear the level of knowledge required for participation
  • In the online format, you need to think about alternatives for some practical activities, depending on the subject of the workshop.

Types of workshops

You can organize workshops of the most varied themes, it is enough that you define and specify the subject well.

After all, the workshop only lasts a few hours, so communication and planning need to be very assertive.

So, how about seeing some workshop examples? Such as:

  • Cooking Workshop;
  • First Aid Workshop;
  • Crafts Workshop;
  • Workshop on digital marketing;
  • Workshop on how to use Google Scholar;
  • And so much more!

And do not forget to make it clear, on the event page, the level of knowledge of the topic required of attendees!

Is the workshop for beginners, intermediates or for those who are already advanced in the subject? The clearer you are, the better the performance of the event.

How to attend a workshop?

Attending a workshop is ideal for those who want to specialize in a subject quickly, also putting knowledge into practice. 

In addition, it is a great opportunity to get certificates and enhance the curriculum, in addition, of course, to networking.

Who knows if from a participation in a workshop doesn’t arise a job opportunity?

There are a few ways to find workshops in your area of interest that are close to you.

Plus, of course, the online workshops, which can be attended from anywhere on the planet!

In case you are not yet registered for any workshops, check below 2 quick and affordable ways to attend workshops

1. Google

These days, virtually every event is on Google. This way, performing a quick search there, you will be able to reach good results.


Add keywords like “workshop + area of interest + where you live”.

That way, Google can deliver exactly what you’re looking for.

2. Your educational institution

Have you ever wondered what events your educational institution has been promoting?

A workshop is probably on the list! If not, how about suggesting it?

At Even3 it is very easy to manage this type of event and, depending on the conditions, you can organize it at no cost!

Learn how to make a workshop

Ready to get your workshop off the ground? If you have never organized one, we have listed all the steps so that everything happens perfectly at your event! 

From planning the workshop to issuing certificates, each step involves a certain amount of care! 

To bring the best experience to the attendees of the event, it is necessary to think and take care of every detail. 

Therefore, we have listed in stages each action that must be done when organizing a workshop.

Mas antes, você pode baixar o nosso checklist de organização de eventos e distribuí-lo à sua equipe. Assim, fica ainda mais fácil!

1. Set the topic, it will be your guide

The first step is to define the subject that will be covered in your workshop. It will also help define all the next stages of planning.

It is very important to choose a subject that is a trend in your segment and that pleases the invited audience.

So find something that students and professionals in the field are looking to improve and show interest in. 

Through Google or social networks, you can discover the topics that are most popular in your field, such as, Customer Success, Big Data, UX Design, among any other particular subject.

In addition, doing research on the topics that are being used by competitors can help generate excellent ideas! 

Remember: the workshop deals with a specific topic, so be very direct in choosing!

2. Establish the audience for your workshop

Knowing the audience that will attend your workshop is a key point to define the next steps of your event.

This way, you will have a north on which subjects cannot fail to be addressed. 

To build a detailed profile of your attendees, you should think about the type of person who might be interested in attending the workshop.

Are they men, women, or is gender indifferent? What age group? Are they students or already trained professionals?

With this information, you can find the right person to teach the workshop. And it even helps to define the ideal place to host the event. 

After that, you must determine what the number of participants for your event will be and whether it will be paid or free. 

From the very beginning of planning your event, you need to make it clear whether the workshop will be paid or free. 

Paid or not, every event generates a cost. And that sum needs to be supplied from somewhere – either from a sponsor or from the ticket sales. 

3. Set the date, location and time

Do you already know the topic that will be covered in your event and the profile of the attendees? So now is the time for you to set the date, location and time of your workshop.

You must take into account where your audience is concentrated, what their interests are, places they attend, whether they are students or trained professionals.

Similarly, ask questions like: does it make sense for the event to take place online? “Do I have an interest in reaching people from other states and even countries?”

After that, you should think about the best time for the event to take place, whether it is better to hold it on weekdays or weekends, and also whether it will be in the morning, afternoon or evening. If it is online, think about the type of streaming of the event.

It is important to check if competing events are happening in the same period as yours.

That way, you avoid the attendee having to choose between your workshop and the competitor’s.

Also keep an eye out for commemorative dates and holidays. See if it makes sense for your event to take place in the middle of a holiday, for example.

Regarding the place that will host the workshop, always think about the issue of comfort and location.

It is necessary that the place has a good infrastructure and that it is easy to access, so it is sure that your audience will be present at your workshop. See if it meets the needs of your workshop topic, this is essential!

4. Choose the speakers and mediators

Choosing the perfect mediator/speaker for your workshop will depend on three characteristics: audience, didactics and topic.

Regarding the topic, you should look for professionals who are a reference in the area.

And, for the workshop to become attractive, it is important to find a speaker who speaks the same language as the expected audience at the event.

The speaker must add value to the experience of their audience, but they must, above all, know how to teach and pass on the content in the most didactic way possible. 

Holding the attention and making people interested is nowadays one of the great obstacles faced by professors and speakers around the world, mainly because of the excess of information.

If possible, to make your workshop even more innovative, bring people from the outside and who can make a difference when it comes to passing on knowledge about the proposed subject.

5. Strengthen the branding of your event!

Creating a visual identity for your event makes it easier to be recognized.

In addition, you may be able to further increase the relevance and authority of the event to your audience.

Another strategy to reinforce the branding of your workshop is to offer personalized notebooks, pens and badges to attendees.

Because it is through marketing strategies that you can leave your mark in the post-event.

If necessary, look for a specialized partner to produce these materials with quality and that can take care of the entire marketing strategy of your event.

6. Check out every detail

Pre-checking all the material that will be used in the workshop is essential for the success of your event. To do this, list all the equipment and resources that will be needed, such as notebook, loudspeakers, microphones and projectors.

Conte com uma planilha completa com todas as etapas de organização do seu evento:

If it is online, think about laptop, audio and video equipment, layout creation, type of streaming.

Remember that all the details are important and vital for the success of the action.

It is also interesting to test presentations and videos several times and save them in different formats to avoid inconvenience and unforeseen events.

In addition, it is essential that you make a checklist of everything that has already been done for your event and the details that have not been finalized.

7. Promote your workshop

Once you’ve planned an amazing workshop, it’s time to get it out there to your audience! Remember that workshops have very specific themes and have low duration when compared to courses.

Therefore, planning the dissemination, according to the objectives and also with the available funds is essential to achieve the expected number of attendees.

Distributing printed material, such as flyers and posters in strategic points that the target audience is present can be interesting for effective dissemination.

During the promotion of your workshop, you must inform the objectives, prices, area of activity, as well as the opportunities that the event will offer the attendee. 

In addition, it is essential that you inform who will be the mediators/speakers, time, place and date of your event.

Promoting your workshop on social networks is an excellent strategy to reach a greater number of people. 

It is also very important to partner with companies and channels related to the theme of the event that they can further promote your workshop!

8. Taking care of your event

After so much organizing and planning, the big day arrived. 

It is imperative that you follow the entire workshop closely.

This ensures that the attendee’s experience is seamless, from entry to post-event.


At in-person events, promoting a skip-the-line event is a dream for both organizers and participants. It is at this time that badges, labels and other materials are delivered. 

Inclusive, temos modelos gratuitos de crachás para eventos. Você pode baixá-los agora, gratuitamente.

It is important to think about the check-in step very carefully. A good tip is to divide the lines by groups (names or last names starting with the letters A-D; E-L…) and also separate the handover of kits from accreditation. 

In addition, no one likes to face long lines and a simple confusion on the check-in process can make a bad first impression on attendees.

If you choose to carry out check-in through an event platform, it becomes even easier. Everything will be automated and recorded via QR code. 

This way, you don’t lose any details about who was at your event and it makes life easier for attendees and your team.  

With an event system, the organization can say goodbye to confusing spreadsheets with attendees’ information.


It is interesting that the workshop is divided into blocks. This prevents attendees from dispersing or losing interest in the topic being addressed. 

Have you ever thought about offering a coffee break to the attendees of your event?

It is an opportunity to promote interaction between those involved, encourage the exchange of ideas, acquired knowledge and establish networking.

Let your workshop flow!

  • In the division of subjects, place the most attractive for the beginning of the workshop
  • Propose short breaks between one speaker and another so that attendees can drink water or go to the bathroom.
  • Reserve a space for people to express their opinions, ask questions and propose suggestions.

9. Invest in the post-event

The workshop has come to an end, but your work as an organizer has not! Anyone who works with event production knows that investing in the post-event is essential.

Therefore, organizers who want to make their brand more recognized in the market and plan to organize other editions of the workshop need to pay attention to this detail.

Now is the time to share photos and videos from the workshop. Tag attendees on social media and gain reach, likes and followers on social media.

Also, a good strategy is to listen to feedback from attendees. This is a great opportunity to analyze what were the highlights and what can be improved in another opportunity. 

This feedback from the attendee can generate new insights for new topics to be worked on another workshop!

10. Send the certificates

For many attendees, receiving the certificate that they attended the event is crucial. 

In addition to adding value to the career of that professional, the certificates also serve as complementary hours of educational institutions. 

Many events still choose to distribute the certificate in the printed version. This is a valid alternative, but perhaps not the most practical one!

Today it’s already possible to make certificates available within an event platform. 

In addition to reducing printing costs, the platform allows your attendee to access the certificates whenever they want!

Now what? Are you ready to run a successful workshop? How about using a platform to help you with this?

Even3 allows everything from your event to be registered in one place: list of attendees, certificates, submitted works, everything for you to organize your workshop in the most practical and least laborious way.

Segredos e dicas sobre o mundo de eventos técnicos-científicos

Junte-se a milhares de pessoas que organizam e participam de eventos acadêmicos e científicos